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Got me some Gasplants (Dictamnus albus purpurea), six in all. This one is going into the rearing cage with the three eggs laid by a Giant Swallowtail on my existing group of plants.
The other five are planted and ready for her return.
Giant Swallowtail egg, total of three laid
The ELF who laid them (Egg Layng Female)

Leafhead 8 July 30
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Ah, the burning gas plant bush! It doesn't look like transportation is a problem.

I'm sure you have some good ELF jokes.

It took me awhile to find a Wisconsin hardy member of Rutaceae (the Citrus Family).
I was using Rue, but the rabbits ate it and it never looked right. The Giant investigated, but never laid 😟
I looked high and low for something called Wafer Ash, or Hoptree.
People don't sell Ash because of the Emerald Ash Borer.
Damn fools don't even know that the Wafer Ash isn't even a true Ash!!!
It too is in Rutaceae, while Ash is in Oleaceae, or the Olive Family.

@Leafhead Well, thanks for setting me straight!


We should all do more to help all wildlife

I agree, even if I'm using a lot of "gas"


It is so nice to know that there are other gardeners out there that help our Butterflies and bees!!!!

Yes, even the "Gasplant guzzlers" 😉

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