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Yesterday I went for lunch at a friends place. The next door neighbor has an apricot tree laden with fruit, ready to pick. So that is what we did. I got a big bag to take home. Apparently the neighbor doesn't pick any of them. How bizarre is that.

Jolanta 9 Dec 8
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Well good for you. Maybe the neighbor inherited the tree with the house and would not have otherwise have planted the tree. I have had properties that came with fruit trees that I didn't really want. I am sure the neighbor appreciated the help picking and maybe also appreciated that the apricots went to good use.


It's common. In some cities (like Seattle) fruit trees are ubiquitous and the lack of concern and maintenance has led to enormous problems, maggots, coddling moths, diseases and such. One time we were walking in my neighborhood and saw a cherry tree filled with cherries (pie so the birds didn't eat them). We went to the owner and asked if we could have some and she said sure. When we got home they were filled with worms, a common malady with cherries. We went back to the owner and told her but she already knew. The previous owner had planted the tree in memory of a child that had died and the new owner couldn't bear to have it removed. I suggested that the owner would not be happy with a memorial that created problems for others and made the suggestion she replace it with an ornamental cherry (much more beautiful blossoms). She agreed.

I'd rather communities made use of common trees and gardens. Many people, such as myself, would be overwhelmed by caring for and harvesting fruit. I live by myself and really don't need bushels of produce. But a shared tree, maybe.

@itsmedammit I agree and this is why a large group was started first in Seattle which expanded to a parent group called Western Cascade Fruit Society [] of which the Seattle Tree Fruit Society became a chapter [] (I became active in STFS, wrote the early newsletter -Urban Scion Post, and joined the board).
Some parts of the city did as you suggested but the city is so big and there are so many fruit plants, few have the time/desire to care for them. When we sold our house I had 3 apple trees (with 21 different varieties), A Pear and plum tree, a garden and lots of other fruits (Strawberries, blueberries, gooseberries, raspberries - 2 kinds) but the new owners wanted nothing to do with the garden. It takes work, time and money.


Good thing you were there to help lighten the load on that tree!!!


Wow how lovely to grow apricots, you need protection here. Sadly we are starting to live in a world, where people don't know how to deal with food if it does not have a plastic wrapper.

Fernapple Level 9 Dec 9, 2019

Oh, fresh ripe apricots! How could anyone ignore them?


I have dickheads next door to me who don't pick the lemons.

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