4 13

I went out to check on my ladybugs and to make sure that the ones that stayed in the bag had gotten out. There were still about 50 in the bag (out of 3000) so I put them on the tree. The ones on the tree are having a feast. They seem to be happy since I saw multiple pairs mating. We have had 2 days of overcast drizzly weather which has a tendency to make the ladybugs want to stay put. The abundance of food should hold them for a while.

glennlab 10 Mar 14
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You know I have never brought in a bag of them like that. Will definitely give it a go this year!

MarkWD Level 7 Mar 16, 2020

I've never bought this many at one time, but they will stay where the foood is. I was surprised the number that have moved from the really prime dining on the loquat tree to my fennel and other tender plants. Spring has sprung here. In past years, when I've had to innoculate, it required several successive plantings.


Sounds like success!!! Love them lady bugs!

They are actually a lot cheaper than poisons since they can last for years and don't cause collateral damage.

@glennlab I use them every year as I would get the aphids on my Milk Weed and I wanted it healthy for the butterflies. The lady bugs work great, and as you say, they don't cause collateral damage.

@Redheadedgammy I had been having a hard time finding them in the Dallas area, so I ordered them online this year 6000 and not one dead one in either bag.

@glennlab Wow, that is amazing. I've been lucky down here and can go about 3 miles down the road to a great garden place called Enchanted Gardens. They always have them. I was never sure about ordering online as I was afraid I would just get a bunch of dead lady bugs. Glad your purchase was a good one.


You're so nice feeding all those ladies 😊


I thought there was controversy about the ladybugs. This was awhile back and I did not follow but I thought the problem was the importation of a foreign species that was upsetting some balance. Has that been resolved?

The Asian Lady Beetle was a problem a while ago. They were known to bite and to be pests in other ways. Not certain what their current status is.

The asian beetle was being mistaken for the ladybug and people were destroying ladybugs []

@Wangobango3 - Oh no! I didn't know they were destructive to the plants.

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