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Time to put one's money where one's mouth is. I had two days off for jet-lag and today I got a start on the long-abandoned veg patch [had not been planning to be here enough to do it]. It doesn't look like much of course, right now. So my 2 weeks isolation and whatever comes next will not be wasted. Cleared a 2' x 20' bed and sowed it today.
I'm really fortunate to be picking fruit every day - bananas (green to use instead of potatoes), passionfruit, sour oranges, coconuts, moringa leaves, cacao pods... But although it's a bit late for veg here, I've started with a bed of lettuce, other greens, coriander, basil, and whatever seed was in my fridge. Even if it's just microgreens in 3-4 weeks it's something. Some of the flowers today for encouragement too... and I cut up a sweet potato that was languishing in the fridge to see if I can force some slips. Friends and passers-by are starting to trade their produce and eggs, for our stuff!

Allamanda 8 Mar 21
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You are someplace tropical. Fun.

MarkWD Level 7 Mar 22, 2020

Nice! I just planted my first ever sweet potato slips, courtesy of two I purchased from the grocery and stuck in the kitchen window for several weeks. Also trying to sprout some passion fruit seeds.


Always fun to see Passionflower blossom, reminds me of those silly, psychedelic plastic flower toy makers from the sixties (?). I planted a vine once in Portland that flowered, but never fruited.


I started germination trays today. Tomatoes, eggplant, bell and banana peppers. Trying to figure out when I can plant collards and spinach.

@Allamanda Collards and other greens can take a little frost. We're almost past that. Tomatoes, etc. will be transplanted Mid-May.


Very exotic vegetables .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 21, 2020

Love your plumaria and passion flower. If I recall correctly, you live in a more tropicsl/semi-tropical area?

RussRAB Level 8 Mar 21, 2020
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