5 9

Just spent 2 hours weeding my raised beds....tomorrow I will do all the "containers" and "ground level" gardening 🙂 My raised beds are 8' x 32' and I have an 8'x8' one also (in the background next to compost heap)

SkotlandSkye 8 May 11
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They're huge!

GoldenDoll Level 7 May 11, 2018

LOL and, yet, I need more! That's why I also have plants in about 80 containers and a ground level garden too with corn.


Wow! You have a small farm there! Good luck this season



Wow those are really nice

Donto101 Level 7 May 11, 2018

Thanks! I built them about 12 years ago. I got the railroad ties for it worked out well. 🙂


I've started planting. Thus far I have carrots, cucumbers, okra, bell and Hatch chili peppers and asparagus. And yellow squash.

that's a great start! But....aren't you in TX? you should have planted a month ago! 🙂

@SkotlandSkye I'm just shy of 3500 feet in elevation. We had 2 killing freezes a few weeks ago and the soil temp needs to be above 60 degrees for 10 straight days before we plant. It's a different climate than Dallas. Is that where you are? Great looking beds. How many square feet, total?

@farmboy2017 Yeah...we had that same super late freezes in April along with sleet. Fortunately it was predicted and I covered everything that was already growing. I'm north of Dallas...but still only 1100' in elevation. 🙂 I also start most things in my garage under heat I hadn't transplanted everything outside when the freezes hit. That was fortunate too.

@SkotlandSkye I start mine indoors, too. I'm planting into a polycultural cover crop of wheat, rye, oats, Austrian winter peas and tillage radish. Makes a cozy place to transplant into and buffers against wind and driving rain.



I seriously plant enough for myself and to donate to the local homeless shelters. I have about 40 watermelon plants....I will be donating (hopefully) a LOT of watermelons this year 🙂

@SkotlandSkye That's great! My garden is not even close to yours in size, 11' x 4' (2). More planned in the future. I don't can or freeze very much, but fresh veggies are unbeatable and I have 5 neighbors that love them as well.

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