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ADVICE: I have been seeing a guy for about a year now. Started off with FWB, but we grew closer over the year and both of us developed feelings. He has told me he loves me, but sometimes I am uncertain of our union. He's not a texter, so we don't talk much via messenger, and some weeks I may only see him once or twice. For me this barely seems enough, and it makes me question his sincerety in wanting a relationship. Am I reading into it too much and being clingy, or should I be concerned about his level of commitment?

MrsAlwaysRight 4 Aug 24
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Let Him know how you feel

Daniel2021 Level 2 June 2, 2021

Hi, which direction do you want your relationship to head to ? Have you fallen for him and want more
of his time ? It’s ok to be in love.
What about you propose staying together ? 🥰


What is his love language? Are you valuing something in a way that is not important to him? My grandmother sent gifts and Expected a thank you letter or no more gifts. I never heard her voice, never knew what she liked, who she was... but she wanted the rituals and I valued personal connection. To this day I don’t like texting or phone calls. I want that personal interaction. So what is it that he values, because if it is not text or phone calls he may not be slighting you.


I don't think seeing someone once or twice a week is bad if y'all have busy lives or incompatible schedules and live farther apart. I used to see my long term ex that often when I was in university and he was in college. But I suppose ymmv and for you a relationship needs daily in person interaction to feel genuine.


I message my girlfriend pretty much every day, but I don't spend tons of time with her — usually a couple of evenings a week. She is much more affectionate than I am. We all have different personalities and different needs, and I try to accommodate her need for attention and she tries to accommodate my need for space. With a little work and compromise, we manage well. I don't know what your guy's motivation is, but it's not necessarily a lack of commitment to you.

resserts Level 8 Aug 25, 2020

I personally don't like texting, I disperse to easy.
I prefer for example to wear y headphones go for a walk and call my girlfriend for an hour or more than to text the whole day.
So no, it is not strange that he don't like to text and this does not mean he don't like contact.

Pedrohbds Level 7 Aug 25, 2020

The fact that he wants less contact than you do does not scream red flag to me. It is just a different level of desire for contact. If however, the level of contact does not meet your needs, you may need to reconsider the relationship. As others have pointed out, a discussion with him might clarify things. Maybe you are looking for the relationship to progress and he thinks it is wonderful as is. Together you can decide what is acceptable.


In this context, is FWB the same as a fuck buddy? Is it just hump and go?

mischl Level 8 Aug 24, 2020

It never was like that. He took me on dates, held my hand, I slept over many times, we watched TV/movies together... And, he always made it clear that he wanted us to be monogamous.

@MrsAlwaysRight he wanted (wants) You to be monagamous.......truly, are you that desperate?

I will speak for me.
If I really liked someone, I would be desperate. It is a good feeling in wanting somone. It does not happen to people in our age range often.

@St-Sinner Bah Humbug, baby! Still gotta be smart & have self-respect, otherwise how pathetic can you get?!

I am always desperate for good people. They are hard to find.

@St-Sinner Desperation is not my idea of a good feeling or a good relationship. I've learned the hard way that attachment, especially strong emotional attachment, comes with stress, fear, longing, etc. It took me a long time, but I've learned how to love and still be free.

Not at all. Friends with benefits are actually friends. So that even if the benefits are gone, the friendship remains. How you envision and practice friendship may differ from me. But my friends are emotional support and we can come to one another for help and support. The person genuinely cares about you as a person. Whereas a fck buddy it's just sex and then you go your separate ways and don't get enmeshed in each other's lives beyond sex.

@AnneWimsey I don't think him wanting us to be monogamous makes me desperate. I can attest to the fact that more than likely I was the only woman he's been with in the past year. I do believe he had a fear of commitment that I eventually pushed the envelope on after a while when I got tired of the FWB title. He made the choice that, even with his apprehension, he would rather commit and be with me than lose me all together.

A relationship was never our end goal, but we both fell in love. When we're together, he's sweet, and he dotes on me. I just hate the in between time because without the contact, I feel like I don't cross his mind. However, on some level, I know he does care about me deeply, and I reciprocate the same. I don't think there's anything "desperate" about that.

@MrsAlwaysRight Ah yes, the oldest Law of Love: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


I would be more concerned at what he does in between seeing you

RoyMillar Level 9 Aug 24, 2020

He's my neighbor, so I can tell it isn't much. I just feel like I always need to take initiative if I want to see him.

@MrsAlwaysRight is that a feeling you enjoy?

@AnneWimsey Not really. Sometimes I'm unsure if he's uninterested, or afraid to make the first move. I can attest to the fact that if I do initiate a date, he's always eager to see me. ALWAYS! If I just show up, he's more than happy to invite me in for a drink and ask me to stay the night, it whatever the case might allow.

Oh man the always taking the initiative thing gets old. I had to constantly take initiative with an ex or Wed hardly talk or see each other! He was super introverted even by my standards. Now I just tell guys that they gotta take the initiative too cuz I can't do it all the time anymore.


It seems to me that he cares about you a lot. You probably need to have a discussion on what you guys consider love. His actions does not scream to me that he loves you but i could be wrong. With FWB relationships it can get complicated as there is no level of commitment towards the relationship. I don't think you are reading too much. I know that when I say I love someone there is not a dat I would not want to talk to her. However, every relationship is different and everyone have different standards as well.

MrChange Level 7 Aug 24, 2020

Once a week, once in two weeks and no other communication still sounds like FWB to me.

You should have an open conversation with him to settle your mind instead of guessing.

St-Sinner Level 9 Aug 24, 2020

I have, but he says he's just not good at being attentive. He says that's something women in other relationships complained about. I wonder if it's an excuse... Maybe I should take it as a red flag.

Not necessarily as a red flag. People are individually very different. They have their styles. All you need to find out is his honesty. If I thought a woman was honest and I liked her but she does not meet me often, I will understand that she has her reasons but would stick with her. Good people are hard to find. When he said other women have complained about his quietness or being less communicative, it seems that he is showing a shade of honesty there.


Does he have a telephone?

Yes, but he doesn't text much, and he seems stuck on his own routine.

@MrsAlwaysRight he can't make a phone call?

@Cutiebeauty My thoughts exactly, but I do know it's something he rarely does period. It's just who he is. He never turns me away if I go to him. He responds to my texts. However, I feel like I am the one putting in most of the effort to contact first.

@MrsAlwaysRight OK, I understand that.. If that's the way he is, you need to decide if you're OK with that.. From the other comments in this thread, it seems he's not cheating or doing anything nefarious, right? So, maybe he has rejection issues and feels more comfortable with you making first contact.. Maybe reassure him that you will be there for him if he calls?


It's not unheard of to develop feelings or love for a FWB, but you seem to be seeing that as a change - out in the relationship whereas he sees it as an enhancement to the existing one. Perhaps you need to have a discussion where specifics are verbalized?

Lauren Level 8 Aug 24, 2020

There is a change. In fact, we decided to be "official", but I don't feel like we're very official. Not sure if I'm expecting too much.

@MrsAlwaysRight No, you aren't expecting too much. It's what you want in a relationship, and maybe he needs to hear the specifics of that. From your other responses, it seems this isn't unfamiliar territory to him, so perhaps a compromise can be reached that you're both comfortable with. Perhaps he takes life at a different pace and other obligations are taking up his time.


I don't know if you're clingy, but you should be having a state of the union conversation with him, not with us. Ask him what he wants, what he sees down the road for the two of you. If you both don't want the same thing, then you have hard decisions to make, but the uncertainty will be gone.

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