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What mistakes have you made on low carb high fat dieting?

These are things I've personally done that inhibited good results, I'm sure there are many other ways to mess up a diet!

  1. Too much bullet proof coffee, or too much coffee in general. It seems the recommended amount is 1 cup of bullet proof coffee and maybe up to 2 or 3 cups of black coffee. If I keep my total intake down to 3 or 4 cups it seems to be OK.

  2. Too much protein. I am finding out that unless I am doing a lot of weight lifting/body building exercises that my protein needs aren't that great. I just know that if I eat too much protein it ultimately gets stored as fat!

  3. Not getting enough fiber. Do you like the feeling of stuffed up and bloated bowels? I don't, so I make sure to eat some fiber food everyday, my favorites are avocados and chia seeds. I put the chia seeds in bone broth and voila! I become a very regular guy. I don't eat the avocados every day as they do contain some carbs that are digestible.

  4. Too much alcohol. Wine and beer have carbs and drinks with little to no carbs like vodka or whiskey etc are processed through the liver in a way that mess up metabolism (don't have time to look up exactly how) but yeah if I feel I really need to have alcohol there needs to be a 2 drink limit, and not every day!

Ok, that is only some of the ways I can mess up my metabolism and get off of a good diet.

iamjc 7 Apr 15
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I tend to overeat on protein. When I first started the diet I could eat as much meat as I wanted (had a "large" order of hot wings 6 times in the first two weeks! And those 3-meat BBQ platers with 2 sides? Bring em' on.). I've lost 40 lbs and now I find that I stall out if I continue eating as much meat as I was at first.


Note 1. 1cup of black coffee, no food and then exercise helps break down body fat.
Note 2. I Find 190grms of protein a day is sufficient for me.
Note 3. 28 grms of mixed ground seed mixed in with your food produces energy and supplues all the fibre
you need. ( Flax seed, chia seed, hemp seed, seseme seed, pumpkin and sunflower seed )
Note 4. Get rid of all alcohol, does you no good at all.

Hope this helps.

VAL3941 Level 8 Apr 15, 2018

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Posted by HHHeathenIn an effort to stay on keto-track during isolation, my honey and I just finished 5 days of what we call Egg Week.

Posted by GuyKeithI just made a batch of deviled eggs with ghost pepper hot sauce.

Posted by HathacatSnacks! Lots to choose from.

Posted by AiveryKeto southern food. 2 carb BBQ sauce, Mashed cauliflower with sour cream, shredded cheese, bacon bits, and green onions.

Posted by AiveryKeto brinner. Hash made from radishes and green onions.

Posted by AiveryBrag time. I made this tonight. It's delicious.

Posted by AiveryBrag time. I made this tonight. It's delicious.

Posted by boatdude87My daughter came over for dinner last night.

Posted by boatdude87It was my son's birthday a couple of days ago.

Posted by AiverySharing the delicious keto meal I made tonight. And the specs.

Posted by AiverySharing the delicious keto meal I made tonight. And the specs.

Posted by AiveryHey, new to the group.

Posted by GraynotgreyIf you are near New London, CT this weekend you may want to check out Ketofest 2018.

Posted by fauxname11Bacon ends & pieces, mushrooms, spinach and a few grape tomatoes. I’m down another 2.6 pounds. I fast for 24 hours once a week and considering increasing it to 34 hours.

Posted by pokerboss77Low-carb Beanie Weenie. LOL!

Posted by jperlowBacon, Genoa salami, jalapeño and cheese omelette.

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