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"Real Americans..."

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Apr 22
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By that sick definition, I'm NOT a "real American."

Neither am I but I didn't dodge the draft I volunteered....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I also volunteered. Thank you for your service.

@BestWithoutGods Gad I hate people saying that to me.... All I did was hire on to do a job and most of the people saying that as well as the ones who started that were draft dodgers... Best we say to each other something like "we just did our job" to distinguish ourselves from the wannabe patriots.


The biggest chore for most, is memorizing sports scores for the history of the game.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 22, 2020

That's not true at all... Those are trump supporters

Unfortunately there were Trumpanzees long before he became president.... Many of them have been brainwashed by McCarthy era propaganda and still believe that garbage. In case you haven't notice we have some in this group saying stupid shit like "Hitler was a socialist..."
Hate to tell you but Biden supporters aren't much different from Trumpanzees...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz "Unfortunately there were Trumpanzees long before he became president.... "

Not true.. Racists, yes.. Mysoginists, yes.. Ignorant, yes.. Not trump supporters...

"Not true.. Racists, yes.. Mysoginists, yes.. Ignorant, yes.. Not trump supporters... "
What do you think Trumpanzees and Biden supporters are?

@Lizard_of_Ahaz it's not a Biden or trump question.. Many supported Bernie, Warren, etc.. Dozens of possible candidates...

@Cutiebeauty Unfortunately that is the choice being forced on us by the GOP and DNC conservatives now isn't it?....

@Cutiebeauty I agree with you. And according to the cutesy little comparison chart, I'll take polite over trump's nasty mouth any day.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz no, it's not... Stupid people are forcing us.

@SiouxcitySue Lie to your face you mean?... We could have had someone who told us the truth and worked for us instead of Wall Street....

@SiouxcitySue, @Cutiebeauty I agree stupid people who are more interested in supporting the rich donors than the voters who put them in office...


That 2nd meme on.

scurry Level 9 Apr 22, 2020

It has been since the 1960s' when the draft dodgers from WW2 (AKA the Ugly Americans) started travelling Europe....

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