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What's up Doc?....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 July 22
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I don't know what is more obnoxious, the singer, or the Fauci worship.
Here's Anthony Fauci telling people not to wear masks:

BD66 Level 8 July 22, 2020

You never tire of making yourself look stupid do you?... Must be those QAnon posts you read and believe on Assbook right?...

"Despite the new guidance, dubious Facebook pages and groups — some of which advocate alternative medicines, conspiracy theories and anti-vaccination messages — have been recently circulating an outdated recommendation on the use of face masks. The pages are sharing a March 8 video clip from CBS’ “60 Minutes” showing Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, saying: “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”"

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You are correct. He made those statements on March 8, 5 days before they shut down the schools here in Illinois. People had enough sense to wear masks during the 1918 Flu Pandemic. They had enough sense to wear masks in China, Singapore, Korea, and Hong Kong early in 2020, and those countries beat Covid-19 pretty quickly. However here in the USA, our "Leading Expert" was a dishonest arrogant little fool who told everyone they did not need to wear masks. Even after the dishonest arrogant little fool openly admitted he lied to the American public on 3/8/2020, a large portion of the country still uses his statements on 3/8/2020 as a justification not to wear masks, or not to "trust the experts".

@BD66 "a dishonest arrogant little fool who told everyone they did not need to wear masks."
You mean like the entire GOP has been doing all along and Trump is still doing while wanting to reopen schools?

@Lizard_of_Ahaz If people had been wearing masks for the last 4 months, we would be in the same position as Japan and New Zealand. We could be reopening schools with very little risk. However the "No masks" crowd has kept the number of cases very high, so it will be high risk here in the USA to reopen the schools. I agree with you that Trump has not done enough to convince people to wear masks, but neither has Fauci. It doesn't make sense to vilify Trump and worship Fauci. They are the #1 and #2 people responsible for the fact that many Americans refuse to wear masks.

@BD66 "I agree with you that Trump has not done enough to convince people to wear masks, "
I disagree with you Trump has actively worked against people wearing masks....

@altschmerz, @Lizard_of_Ahaz, @BD66 What I have a problem with is the logic or lack of it in not advocating the wearing of masks from the start. I'm no brain basket and failed science spectacularly when they tried to teach me in high school but from the "go" I've been advocating and wearing masks not to save myself but to help prevent my inadvertently spreading the virus.
It is my conclusion that prevention has never been the aim. The paranoia and excuse to hoodwink the public into economic slavery for the next twenty years however is very much on the agenda. And if a few fat, elderly, diabetic or psychiatrically diseased people die along the way humanity will have lost a burden.

@Fred_Snerd My thoughts exactly.

@altschmerz You heard correctly.


Love it

bobwjr Level 10 July 22, 2020

West side story! Woohoo!

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