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"A Whim o' Wap, A Whim o' Wap"
Gonna kill me a lion

Boxdoc 7 Aug 1
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Haha yes! That song was stuck in my head too. Dang it now its back!


What is a"Whim o' Whap"?

Is it related to the "whim wham to make a goose's bridle?

@FrayedBear Here you go!

@MichelleGar1 Wimowee!

@FrayedBear Sounds like whim o whap

@MichelleGar1 is the whim a whap a native fauna? Doesnt dound anything like thewords.

@FrayedBear Just the annunciation, sounds like whim o whap until you see the lyrics

@MichelleGar1 how whey can be heard as whap other than by sadists slapping others I don't know!

@FrayedBear LMAO!!!!

@MichelleGar1 sounds like you have been enjoying your whaps on your buttock cheeks too much resulting in you whimmering away! 😊😉

@FrayedBear How did you know?! LOL

@FrayedBear I've always sung it as "I'll bring my wip, I'll bring my wip."


These songs always did it for me:

BD66 Level 8 Aug 1, 2020

Excellent song choices. I don't think I've ever seen the Harvey Danger video. He's way less bad add than I had pictured.
And Love Tubthumping!

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