4 4

This might be fun.
I'll start!
I have a Push Mower - got it for Free!!
But my neighbour & brother-in-law often cut my lawn for me, because push mowers suck on long grass.

scurry 9 Sep 5
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I have a backyard nature habitat, Not for the animals and insects, because I hate mowing the lawn.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 6, 2020

Two birds 😉


I was born with hip dysplasia and metatarsus adductus and have really flat feet from the corrective devices used. I often wonder if that has any connection to my back problems.

Kynlei Level 8 Sep 6, 2020

We have so many wild bunnies in the development I am in that I now have a habit of counting how many I see as I drive to work each morning. Typically 5 or 6 before I exit the development


I like to pick mountain ash berries and then see if I can toss them into sewer/manholes while I walk. (It's a lot harder than it would seem LOL)

I Love That!!! I have wild grapes at my house; I might have to arm myself and try your challenge. 😄😉

@scurry An underhand gentle toss works best but its tough than it looks LOL

@bookofmorons Thanks for the tip. 😉 I'll let you know if I get one in.

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