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Trump may have found his corona scapegoat

glennlab 10 Oct 11
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So true! Yuck!!!! I stopped buying ice cream because of that! 🤮

What was that?

@FrayedBear Here in the United States, people were going to the freezer section of grocery stores and opening the ice cream containers and licking the top part of the ice cream and closing the container. GROSS!!!! Yeah, this is America!

@altschmerz In CA all products like that are required to be tamper resistant. Fortunately I rarely buy ice cream anyway as I am a type 2 diabetic and try to avoid sugar as much as possible.

@altschmerz, @MichelleGar1 The penalty here can be a bit more harsh than Texas or any of the red states...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz This was happening last year, we didn't know about covid-19 yet, still either way so gross and good to know people who are caught are getting arrested, people can die if they catch it!

@Lizard_of_Ahaz, @altschmerz I only buy ice cream if it's sealed too but still gross, just people are disgusting!

@altschmerz So true!

@MichelleGar1 In which case CA can opt to add charges of 1st degree murder as the death was the result of a felony they committed... If the person falls ill (or no one falls ill) the charges could go to attempted murder or domestic terrorism at this point...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I was thinking about that! In this pandemic, yeah, if you go licking ice cream containers and put them back to be bought by an unassuming customer and that person dies, yes, that murder! Yes, attempted murder if the person recovers or just because they licked it. People are so sick!

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