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latest testing kits from China

Moravian 8 Nov 16
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Kind of racist. We've had Chinese food restaurants in America long before the first fast food hamburger or chicken prep came out. Let's note poke fun at the "Fortune cookie" or the broken english of the Chinese Americans...

Who can forget this scene from "A Christmas story"

Robecology Level 9 Nov 16, 2020

And you'll never guess which scientific research is leading the rest of the world in the rush to get a COVID19 Vaccine.....


@Robecology Are they ?. they are keeping it quiet then as it is Pfizer and Moderna in the USA who appear to be leading the race and the Russian Sputnik vaccine if it can be trusted.

Is the joke racist ?. Maybe, but I think it pokes fun at the Westerners who eat at so called Chinese restuarants which produce a bland product which has no relation to the many regional foods eaten in China. It is a long time since I have eaten at one of those places but the main ingredient in the food appeared to be monosodium glutamate with the obligatory fortune cookie. to finish.


No doubt 45 wants to order them by the boxload?

FrayedBear Level 9 Nov 16, 2020

By the boatload.

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