Yes! I was reading 'The Atheist Pig' comics, and went across a statement in this comic found here.What I realized is that Christains can't be saved, because they'll always sin, and have a sin in which they can not repent from. For there are many sins in the Bible, and most contradict each other! So one, could not do both, or do nothing, so does not matter their choice, they sin. So, I would think that would help people understand that what they believe is wrong.
But, the whole sacrifice of Jesus is because humans are sinners and remain sinners. He took all sins upon himself; his blood covers them. They don't teach that Christians become free of sin, but that they are forgiven for them past, present and future--IF they have accepted Jesus as their savior, that is. I don't believe this, btw, but it is what I was taught.
@TCorCM :
In what I was taught, one must confess that they are a sinner, not necessarily confess every sin one has committed. And, if one was "truly" saved, they would repent/apologize/ask forgiveness when one would fall into some sinful behavior. If they wouldn't do this, they were not truly born again.
But, this had nothing to do with salvation as sinning is not what sends one to Hell. What lands you in Hell is not accepting Jesus as one's personal savior.
One thing that bothered me growing up was not only that non-Christians, even if really good people, were going to hell, but also likely the vast majority of people who called themselves Christians--because they didn't believe the correct things about Jesus: his godhood, his physical resurrection, that we are saved ONLY by grace and works mean nothing as we can never be good enough etc...
End the end, the whole plan of salvation is a bunch of mixed up phooey!
Seriously, what kind of god would create people to be sinful and imperfect and then tell them they don't meet his standard of perfection and deserve to go to hell; and then decide that the way to get around his own stupid standard/rule was to sacrifice himself to himself because he made the shedding of blood as necessary for the forgiveness of sins?
Thanks for your patience in reading my rants .
The only flaw in your logic is when you say you "realized is that Christians can't be saved" . True atheists don't concern themselves with "saving" one's soul...or even having a "soul" for that matter.
One thing the bible said that's science..."From dust you came and to dust you shall return". Sad, but true; here's more accurate, and scientifically provable atheist memes.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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