And powdered dry milk. Cheese was like velveeta, peanut butter was great 'cause I was a kid, still disgusted with milk to this day.
I know nothing about this. When did this happen? Have a feeling I am too young, which I never get to say anymore...
It would have been the 60s and 70s
@glennlab born in 68
Actually that looks pretty good. My father worked for American Friends Service Committee when I was a little girl. He made our family eat what they were sending to starving in Asia and Africa. It was a sort of a gruel which we ate for all meals for several weeks to get the full effect. I have pictures somewhere of my brothers and me with our sunken eyes and sharp bones and that was in three weeks time.
My grandmother made us eat the stuff for a week, so that we would know how good we had it. A week was more than enough. We had one of the larger warehouses in town and were on main street, so our store was the distibution point for a lot of the local aid.
@glennlab it’s amazing what people thought were good lessons for children back in the day.
@Killtheskyfairy My grandmother was a Calvinist Baptist and believed that unless she saw blood, you had not been punished sufficently. One reason I never spanked my son. Yhe other was he never did anything that would warrant it.
Oh the good old days, back when people knew their place and knew to be quiet and take what they were given.
Crazy how people want this equality thing and keep talking about democracy like it was a right and not a privilege that is hand down to the masses by the Elites. Next we will be talking about Socialism and treating others with respect and dignity OR even worse we will trot out the principles that the Commie Jesus put forth about loving thy neighbour, healing the sick, feeding and clothing the poor.
Enough already, let's get back to good, old fashioned, American Values. LOL
@Surfpirate American entitlement? Rob, steal and cheat your way to everyone else's eealth leaving yhrm in poverty & grateful for your magnamity of gifted dumped produce unfit for home consumption?
@FrayedBear This is what they were giving to Americans, it was a bail out to the farm industry, the government bought all that they could not sell on the open market, then when the markets did not magicly reopen, rather than allow people to recieve money and chose for themselves, they got the excess produce.
@glennlab sounds slightly more sensible than the EEC who sold a mountain of butter to russia for about a sixth the price members were paying for it. That however was full quality butter. This sounds like inferior product that as someone else stated was normally dumped on starving nations.
@FrayedBear Try to bear in mind that while we are all equal, some of us feel that they are more equal than others. Not that we are the same.
@Surfpirate Commie jesus says it all.
@AtheistInNC perfect! let's run that pinko, jew out of Amerika.
@Surfpirate the great American expectation of entitlement.
A mass delusion that is usually followed by a boring crash back to reality. I call it folies en masse. Trumpism is an example of it. Xtianity is another.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.
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Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.