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Languishing language can lead to irritation.[]

Philip21 8 Dec 25
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Oh look Mary Embree trying to sell more copies of her pamphlet:

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 25, 2020

I respect your apparent knowledge of obscure facts.

@Philip21 no I just looked the word definitions up to make sure my knowledge was correct and the screenshot came up!


There is a special wit to so succinctly saying something so clever.
There's an art to it. Like an odd sort of poetry.
Some of us love etymology, it's how I taught myself Old English back when the Internet was not something available except at universities. Either super computers or modem dial in that was limited or prohibitively expensive.
I just cross referenced five unabridged dictionaries. We had one that was 27 volumes.
But the others were just preposterously large books with small type that included the history of a word.
Knife is spelled this way because in late Old English it was called cnīf with a hard c like can, from Old Norse it was called knífr, of Germanic origin.
Try listening to Chaucer in Middle English, it's a different language and has a bit of my fascination.

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