3 7

I always wondered how paranoid they were

glennlab 10 Dec 29
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In her defence it does save a lot of time if you are repeatedly getting in and out of your car.

I suggest that you are identifying your ignorant belief in entitlement to endanger everyone around you by failing to recognise that what she is doing is not for her good but to protect you from any infection that she has.

Why can your meme not praise her for her responsible intelligent response & adaption to a new very real danger? It is yet another example of stupidity wanting to drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator of stupidity.

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 29, 2020

It would be far better if you commented on the meme as presented instread of going off on a tangent.

@glennlab Lol. I have stayed focussed on the meme.


Funny these guys are the ones who report mine....

I couldn't find one of someone with a stick up their ass, so I settled.

@glennlab Karen only wears a Klan mask...


I've seen those people. I can only suspect they have imaginary friends.

jeshuey Level 8 Dec 29, 2020

Birds of a feather . . .?

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