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Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Jan 6
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Nailing up is a prolonged death and a worse fate than beheading. Kings who did not fit have had a range of 'snuffings' too. IMO he was more of a regal figure than a pretend ' savior ' but I would prefer to keep him alive along with many Jihadi criminals because there is a chance that rational people (Like us) can persuade him and his followers of the damage that he has done. This would actually IMO do more to heal America. Least of all do we want him to become martyr. It is often too good a career move. He probably will be a martyr to his close followers but let us not give him the chance. Let us cage him with a high wall inside his golf course - but not the one in Scotland !

Never work they are all to stupid and self centered to learn. Religitards never learn otherwise they wouldn't be religitards.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz So we give up???

@Mcflewster No we charge them with the crimes they committed like Sedition and take away their rights to own guns as well as vote. We make sure they do time in real prisons or give them an option to surrender their citizenship and leave the country forever if they can find a country that will take them.... I here Russia is their kind of place so dump their asses off on Putin.

@Mcflewster Before you call me names remember kissing their asses and letting them off the hook for the crimes they have committed has never worked. We need to stop tolerating the intolerable.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I need to know where to draw the line :to know when to stop tolerating.

@Mcflewster If they supported Trump you can put them on the side of out on their asses... If they support any of these extremists they are NOT Americans or patriots they are just scumbags...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I do know how you feel. I am sure you will remember it in 2024

@Mcflewster Damned DNC caused all this when they screwed with us in the primaries and told us we had to vote for Hillary.... Did the same thing again with Biden and we still bailed the bastards out but they are getting complacent again already and frittering around trying to make nice with the same people who did this to us.
Fuck waiting to 2024 we need to vote out the corporate DNC in 2022


Popcorn ready and waiting for that miracle to happen


Love it.


I think a lot of people would like him nailed for a number of wrong doings.

freedom41 Level 9 Jan 6, 2021

Can I be the one to give him gall with a sponge? Who get's to lance his chest to make sure he's dead?

racocn8 Level 9 Jan 6, 2021


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