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"I want to place a dozen of these at the entrance of every GOP rally....
From the book 'How to Become a Billionaire During the Next Election Cycle'

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Feb 3
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Does everyone carry $100 to the polling booth?

Rallies don't have voting booths... Any Republican is going to take hundred dollar bills to a rally or convention so he can pay the hooker...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz whoops, I've just woken up & was distracted by $100 and the meme booth made me think of polling booth. Well caught.
On the hooker reason - do you have cast iron proof of that? I thought most attendees came from rent a crowd or were there hoping to be auditioned and paid for their attendance?

@FrayedBear They are religious hypocrites but if you need more proof than that try these links...




@Lizard_of_Ahaz the Haaretz link does not prove that it only happens at Republican rallies.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz same with the Denver Post article.

@FrayedBear I never said that did I?....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz at least the old,2008, ABC report identifies it happening with both major parties:
"Aug. 22, 2008— -- Prostitution in Denver and Minneapolis will spike during the political conventions held there in the coming weeks, experts say, and online ads indicate sex workers are preparing themselves."

You have just made my point for me! Thanks.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz lol I almost started my reply with "religious hypocrisy" - I quite agree with you.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz ""I want to place a dozen of these at the entrance of every GOP rally....
From the book 'How to Become a Billionaire During the Next Election Cycle'" indicates that you do not believe that it occurs at Democrat rsllies.
I asked the question. You supplied answer.

@FrayedBear No it doesn't.... Jeeze dude you are way off base.... Democrats are saying Trump was elected by fraud are they?... They didn't even say that in 2016. Read what the label on the fucking machine says...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz nothing to with election frsud. I have been asking why you need $100 at a rally. You say for sex. I say yes both parties.

@FrayedBear Are you on drugs again?...

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