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If you're a sci fi nerd, you'll get it 😉

Freespirit64 8 Feb 17
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Love the colouring in it 🙂

RoyMillar Level 9 Feb 18, 2021

Best tattoo I've ever seen.

racocn8 Level 9 Feb 17, 2021

Remember in the Save the Whales movie, they parked a cloaked bird of prey in a San Francisco municipal park and as Kirk walked out he said “Remember where we parked” like the only thing visible was the pressure depressions from the landing gear.
As a fan from episode one I had envisioned cloaking as an energy field with no sharp angles, more like a magnetic bottle, not like the invisible man type of cloak.
I was disappointed, I would have found it far more plausible. A shuttle with no cloaking technology at all should be cloaked with the starship if it was close enough and it’s visibility barrier would be a gradient over distance as well. A sneaky probe close enough to see a small percentage of the visible light could potentially go undetected as it monitored internal communications on the starship.
I wrote a novella, Star Trek based that I thought would work, then they had to park that damned invisible Starship in a municipal park.
I don’t even have the manuscript anymore, but I like to flatter myself that it was really well done. But no point once it’s clear it violates Star Trek cinematic cannon.
Continuity is critical and should never be violated in my opinion as a fan. Still I wondered what dumb ass would envision possible future technology so childishly inspired by Wonder Woman’s invisible airplane.
Name the SOB that nullified all my hard work on a typewriter because I wrote it before computers were available.
William Shatner
He wrote it.
I hate him.


I got on the second look. Lol

t1nick Level 8 Feb 17, 2021

I have a Defiant one just like that.

Gohan Level 7 Feb 17, 2021

cloaked she is.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 17, 2021

clever . . great episode too

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