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How many of us remember those days?...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Feb 22
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Slightly different opinion... To me it seems WWII played a big role in killing off the nuclear family. A large part of the US workforce left for war. Women stepped in and filled those roles. Rose the Riveter etc... When the men came back, women had no reason to stop working and 2 income households became the new norm. Standards of living increased, buying power decreased and we have today. To top that off, the argument can be made that the increase in standards of living worldwide can be attributed to the movement of industry from the 1st world to the 3rd. Opinion only here, but I feel that if we had not stalled the US standard of living by giving up our blue collar jobs (mass migration of industry and manufacturing out of the US) we likely would have had WW3. SE Asia was destined to be the hot bed when WWII ended (land border with Russia, stupid amounts of raw materials and oil). So when I eat my spaghetti off of a plate made in china, with a fork made in Korea, while listening to music on cell phone made in Vietnam I try to remember that those countries increase in standard of living are due to us and the US and maybe thats a good thing. Even though the US people sacrificed our nuclear families and some of our standard of living we did not die in a ball of nuclear fire.

And you would be completely wrong.... What would women in the workplace have to do with the failure of the government to raise the minimum wage or corporations sending good paying jobs overseas?... As the song says "Absolutely Nothing..."

You double the number of incomes a household has, eventually you halve its buying power. I'm talking about how we got here, not whats going on now. The two are not mutually exclusive. 😘

@RealisticEyes Congratulations you just reinvented "Voodoo Economics" which has failed every time it has been used...
Prices depend on demand not supply which is why we have 99 cent stores....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz While I do love a good debate. Snarky and personal ones are not my cup of tea. You have a great day!

@RealisticEyes @RealisticEyes Typical conservative... When faced with facts you whine about your inability to cope with reality and call it a "personal attack" because someone punctured your neat little unrealistic view of the world...
According to your view more money means less buying power yet the minimum wage for the US has NOT increased since 2009 and hasn't seen enough of an increase to keep up with inflation for over 30 years. If your view was real then people in Red States still making 7.25 an hour should do fine with a single 40 hour a week job and be able to support a family while owning a home... While people like those in California where wages are high should be paying $25 dollars for a hamburger at McDonalds instead of the prices being the same...
FYI the "99 Cent Only Stores" are a California based chain of stores, Also food prices here are some of the lowest in the country. My electric bills this year will total less (far less) than the average Griddy customer's did for the 5 days of freezing temperatures... Plus I don't have to hire a plumber to re-pipe my home because some asshole contractor did a shit job on it...


I remember such a time well. CEO's and even more specifically CFO's ruined it. I hope they died a horrible death.

Alienbeing Level 8 Feb 23, 2021

Well, Americans keep electing corporate whores to office so maybe the blame is on the voters

Rudy1962 Level 9 Feb 23, 2021

The lack of sympathy from those people that lived through that really pisses me off.

Your just not working hard enough, work harder to earn a better wage. Makes my blood boil.


With corporate big shots bringing home 20 to 30 million per year with tax loopholes, there isn't anthing left over for the extinct middle class. We have to pressure the elected officials to go back to the 75% tax rates for million dollar salary earners. That's the way it works best for our country, like it did back in the fifties.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Feb 22, 2021

But this time let’s make it work for everyone, OK?

90% was better when Kennedy lowered it to 70% the problems started....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz . There were several "steps" in the tax rate tables which worked great for our infrastructure and for social programs to help everyone. Imagine what education and healthcare could be like.

@OldGoat43 FDR tried to institute a medical program like Medicare for All but they wouldn't let him. If we could get rid of the corporate fraudsters in both parties we might have a chance. The guy the DOJ just convicted for being an unregistered foreign agent not only donated to Trump but also to Hillary Clinton and our new VP Harris...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz . Reagan brought the corporations into the law making process and they have altered laws and have written new ones to favor themselves. We need to get the corporations out of our government now.

@OldGoat43 Absolutely correct just like Hitler and Mussolini did...


That's enslavement & increased education for you.

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 22, 2021

The poor you will always have with you,
Mr. J. Christ, head of the prosperity gospel


We wasted $6,000,000,000,000 "Winning" the Cold War. The result of our "winning" was American workers now have to compete on roughly equal footing with Chinese, Russian, Eastern European, and Southeast Asian workers.

BD66 Level 8 Feb 22, 2021

The "Cold War" has nothing to do with wages or inflation... Corporate greed is the problem and GQP politicians who keep cutting taxes on the obscenely wealthy assholes who pay them off with huge campaign contributions...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz There is a supply for labor. There is a demand for labor. The place where the supply curve and the demand curve meet is the price for labor. When the Cold War ended, the supply of labor available to corporations increased by a factor of 5, so the mill and garment workers in New England lost their jobs and the mill workers in India and India got jobs at pay rates of less than 1/10 of the mill and garment workers.

It was great for the mill and garment workers in India and Southeast Asian countries.
It was great for the CEOs and stockholders of companies engaged in producing clothing.
It was terrible for US workers who made their living producing clothing.

@BD66 Seriously?... You really don't understand economics and progressive taxation at all do you?.... The Kuznet's curve which shows the percentage of wealth owned by the upper 10% of taxpayers is a nearly perfect inverse curve to the upper tier tax rate... Every thing you posted ignores this fact and glorifies the same policies that Texas used to destroy their own electrical grid...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz When the people with capital get access to labor that is 10 to 100 times cheaper than the labor they were purchasing before, their corporations make more money, and they become wealthier. Do you dispute that?

@Lizard_of_Ahaz It's usually better to try to explain something using the simplest economic models (like the law of supply and demand), vs. much more complex models (like Kuznet's curve). Kuznet may have had a reasonably accurate model in the 1950's when most of the world economies were closed, so you could do analysis on a country by country basis (and during the height of the Cold War). However once the Cold War ended, globalization of production became more common, and the internet emerged, It doesn't make sense to rely on that model.

@BD66 Well I will give you simple-minded but that is about it... You completely evaded anything resembling the facts and presented us with a fiction you think is acceptable...


it will trickle down eventually - Reagan. promised

Sure we all believe that shit....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz apparently many bought in

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