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Oh, is that a little loud?

phxbillcee 10 Apr 4
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After listening to my neighbors shitty music all night Friday night, they listened to some black metal last night!

Watching their drama unfold in front of me was glorious! He was too drunk to walk, his friends had to help him which caused them all to fight and they left him leaning on his car! They all left because the music was annoying and he was still leaning on his car, I was sitting in my front yard with Gogoroth playing full blast, he staggered to his front door, turned around, looked at me and slammed his front door, opened it again, looked at me again and slammed the door again! I couldn't stop laughing! Finally I got my justice! No annoying music today, as he does every Sunday! LOL!!!!

I may have to invest in some more powerful speakers, my drunk ass neighbors love to play shitty music until 3 am.

@glennlab Do it!!!!


I once had a neighbor with that attitude. Little did he know I was a singer with a complete 3000 watt PA system at my disposal. One morning, after a particularly obnoxious night during which the other neighbors called the cops twice, he was awakened by Quiet Riot at 5 a.m., which was about an hour after they went to bed. After about 15 mins, I shut it down after announcing the 5 a.m. concerts would continue as needed.

Never was a problem again.

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