& just wear a damn mask until most of do get the dang shots! (I got both of mine, & I still wear the mask out because I don't trust most of the rest of you MFer's!) Selfish, foolish bastrds!
@phxbillcee Exactly! How stupid did people get?! Don't they realize they have been vaccinated as children and didn't get some of these diseases but yeah this vaccine is going to do something fucked up to them! Oh yeah did these idiot's forget that their orange shit stain got the vaccine too!
Pilsner beer... though from the way it tastes maybe it should be called piss water. Have you ever noticed that anyone who drinks it always adds lemon or lime to it first?
If you gotta add fruit to your beer to make it palatable, that should be telling you something.
@phxbillcee @Lizard_of_Ahaz
I mostly drink Mexican beer, I can drink it without the limes, but it's good either way, I don't like Corona though! I remember as a teenager my friends and I would go bar hopping in Juarez, Mexico and that was the only beer that was served at every bar there, I didn't like it at that time and I still don't! Dos Equis, Tecate, Pacifica, and Sol now those are really good tasting beers. I forgot to mention Modelo and Modelo Negra, those are good too and they don't need limes.
@MichelleGar1 Just for giggles look up the ownership and you might see why that one beer tastes like urine...Also you might reconsider your drinking Modelo...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Fucking corporations fighting for rights! Fuck Budweiser and Corona! I HAD to drink Modelo when I was living with Metalhead222 in Virginia, that was the only Mexican beer sold in his area! Luckily I found Dos Equis at a WalMart out of the way!
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Anything Budweiser touches taste's like piss! Fuck Miller lite too! Lol
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I forgot to mention that those hard seltzers taste disgusting too! I tried one, never again!
@MichelleGar1 Most states have a poor selection of beers in my experience. The South has probably the worst California has a large selection available though I tend to stick with lagers more than anything else but Hanger 24 is out it tastes like it was brewed from used urinal cakes. I have a preference for Samuel Adams myself though I find Fosters lager to be drinkable.
Also I have a friend in Boston who might be able to give you some tips on what is actually drinkable out that way.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Samuel Adams is good, it just makes me feel full after drinking one, so I like sticking to lighter beers. I used to drink Foster's but again I get that full feeling. I want to at least get a good buzz if I'm going to drink alcohol! Like I'm feeling pretty good right now, I'm on my 6th 16oz. of Tecate! The buzz is really good, taking away all the edge I had going on all week! Lol
@MichelleGar1 If you are looking for a buzz you are better off with hard liquor is how I see it. For me to get even a buzz takes at least a pint of 80 proof. Usually I stop after one or two drinks of anything though because I like the taste but not the buzz so much besides it gets expensive.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I can't drink liquor, I'll barf just by the smell! I experimented quite a bit in my teen year's with liquor and now most of those smells will have me running to the bathroom to puke! Tequila don't even put that shit near me! Jack Daniels oh hell no! Jagermeister fuck that! So on and so forth! I told you in Juarez, Mexico all they sold were Corona beer and I would try liquor, barfy barf, barf! I don't know how many times I almost got arrested in Juarez, Mexico! Always carry extra cash with you, back then in the 80's just give the Mexican police $10 and all of a sudden they would take off the hand cuffs and you were free to go! I was a trouble maker, my poor parents! Lol
@MichelleGar1 A $20 in your wallet tucked under your license is all you need to stay out of any Mexican jail for anything short of murder. Money is respected down there as long as you are discrete about it... As for the hard stuff Jack Daniels is something I like the taste of no ice or anything I just sip it straight. Yagermeister you would have to hold a gun to my head it tastes like shit. I used to make a fruit salad with 151 rum and Tequila and if you add lemon juice and do it right people won't even notice the taste or realise they are consuming alcohol until they are so shitfaced they can barely stand up...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I would be able to smell the liquor in that salad my liquor senses are strong! Jack Daniels and any other whiskey, I don't care how smooth people say it is, it isn't! Barfy, barf! Don't get me started on wine, fuck that shit! I don't care how much it costs and the palate bullshit, it tastes worse than NyQuil! I think it's just a snooty drink and taste's like shit!
@Lizard_of_Ahaz It's almost 5am where I live and the beers are still going down good! It's been a fucked up week! LOL!!!
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