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Came across this. Not technically a meme, I guess.

KateOahu 8 May 15
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I can relate! Perhaps I should get one of these shirts. I have earned it.


Then there is this...and this

KateOahu Level 8 May 15, 2021

Here's a few more...

@phxbillcee I especially like the first one.

@MsKathleen I like how they misspelled "grammar" in the last one!!!

@phxbillcee I thought it was stupid.

@MsKathleen I kinda liked it, but the misspelling ruins it.

@phxbillcee I thought that was intentional, which was why I thought it was stupid.

@MsKathleen If you are correct, then it is indeed stupid.

@phxbillcee the grammar on this thread is unbecoming any good lift yer game Bill.

@waitingforgodo Lift these, bro!

@waitingforgodo Excuse my grammar...

welcome back. i wondered what had happened to you.

@TheDoubter Thanks. Nothing “happened” to me, but I got bored with the offensiveness of a small group of obnoxious people who dominated the landscape, always trying to stir up trouble and “push people’s buttons”, including mine. Some of them are still here, but I’ll mostly be ignoring them. I thought about coming back during the worst of the (lonely) pandemic months, but didn’t act on that thought until now.

@MsKathleen good to see you. i guess you just have to ignore the losers and hope they go away. if they get a rise out of you, they'll continue.

@TheDoubter Thanks again. Yes, I know. I’m headed to La Jolla tomorrow for a doctor appointment...gonna have to get my long pants and long- sleeved shirts out of storage.

@MsKathleen we're having some wet weather here along the coast. how long will you be in the area?

@TheDoubter Amazingly, the doctor’s office just called to cancel my appointment, because “their system is still down” and they do not know when it will be back up. This is Scripps! (I wonder if they have been hacked.) I have felt for a long time that this was the danger in digitalizing everything in health care. Since this was my yearly check, it is no big deal for me and I can just wait until they work it out. I WAS looking forward to hitting Costco and TJ’s, though.

@MsKathleen there was something in the newspaper about Scripps. I don't pay a lot of attention because my healthcare is through Sharp Rees -Stealy . But at least they alerted you before you got on the road. If you get through San Diego, I'll buy lunch.

@MsKathleen just checked the U-T. there was a story that said Scripps uses equipment that was a "favorite" for attacks in 2020

@TheDoubter Hey, great offer...I WILL take you up on it.

@TheDoubter My appointment wasn’t until 11 a.m., so I planned on going in the morning. I usually stay the night with a friend that lives in La Jolla, so I can get a walk on the beach and stop at Costco and TJ’s before heading home. I AM glad they called today.

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