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My one post of the day before I get back on the road, the AZ and NV deserts are hot as fuck

glennlab 10 June 17
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No, thanks.

KateOahu Level 8 June 18, 2021

I have run the AC and heat in the same day here in Indiana. My house is very poorly insulated.

Kynlei Level 8 June 17, 2021

And that's just the first day.

jdubose Level 7 June 17, 2021

I have an abundance of sticker's in my front and back yards! The heat never goes away just gets hotter and hotter! We had a mild winter, even with the freeze out here!

The only way you can ever really get rid of stickers is to burn your yard which would not help with the heat.

@Lorajay The sticker's are year round. I have had professionals come spray to kill the weed's, which fortunately they haven't grown but the sticker's are still there


Yeah, it is damn hot, & it's just f'n' June! Oh, I hope this isn't a foretaste of what the rest of the summer will be like, but it's been getting hotter & hotter & drier & drier. Yeah, no Climate Change 'round here, folks!

phxbillcee Level 10 June 17, 2021

Having had the "pleasure" of living in El Paso for two years I can say I am very happy to have never visited Texas again once I left.

Alienbeing Level 8 June 17, 2021

@Alienbeing I live in El Paso, TX. I'm getting tired of the summers here!

@MichelleGar1 Try AZ. “It’s a dry heat.”

@MsKathleen The whole Southwest is a dry heat, I think where you live is a dryer heat! I hate summer here or anywhere in the Southwest desert.

@MsKathleen My wife and another couple visited Las Vagas a few years ago. One day the temperature was 107 degrees. My wife pointed out the temperature and added "but it is a dry heat". My friend replied "so is the heat in my oven, and we roast turkeys there".

Actually I find dry hear more acceptable than the heat/high humidity we have in N. Carolina, but when the temperature gets over 100 degrees, it gets oppressive dry or humid.

@Alienbeing In Yuma, we do not consider 107°F to be “hot”.

@MsKathleen Strong people must live in Yuma.


Sounds like a ball.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 17, 2021
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