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The Truth hurts

Vipyr82 7 July 9
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The best way to perform cunnilingus

Adam_Metal Level 7 July 14, 2021

In the first grade when I was sent to the office for reading Willy Ley instead of reading "See Tom run, run Tom run" with the rest of the class.....


Don't forget, there are still people out there who believe in Q-anon.

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 10, 2021

Probably about 30.

KateOahu Level 8 July 10, 2021

It’s been decades since I first saw the nutrition label on a bottle of water.
Did you know water contains 0% fat.
Also 0% sugar.
My shoulders slumped realizing that it was on the label because there’s people that don’t know that, and I found it made me feel hopeless.
I feel like a chimp scientist on a planet of apes with gorilla uniformed Law and military and all led by an Orange orangutan that recently lost his position and still slinging poop everywhere at the same time the ocean caught on fire, Siberia, Australia, California, and a bunch of other places caught mega fire.
We won’t make it.
We allow scum to create policy that seems to have the extinction of our species as its primary objective.

What they are doing is fucking with natural selection. Many of these people who need these warnings would die before reproducing, which is how Darwin's Theory of natural selection should work. So these people mate with other people like themselves and always have more children than they need or can afford, creating groups like Trump's hard core base.

Always loved Cornelius and Dr. Zara… thank you for reminding us of them!

@Sticks48 sadly true.

It is required by law.

@MsKathleen Some are and some aren't, but they are required by lawyers because we are by far the most litigious country on this planet. Everyone sues everyone for everything. We have way too many lawyers and lawyers write the laws, and write them to benefit lawyers..

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Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.

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Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.

Posted by backtobasicsFollow the money, it leads to the truth.

Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.

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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.

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