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noworry28 8 Aug 4
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Good one. Copied and will be shared on FB.


It's a shame the religious & 45 followers can't grasp that.

freedom41 Level 9 Aug 5, 2021

New methods of investigation help to make scientific findings clearer, and sometimes completely reverse previous belief. The danger is taking care to look at evidence that is not underwritten by an entity desiring a presupposed result. There is much “science” that is not.

KateOahu Level 8 Aug 4, 2021

Unfortunately when ever you use words to explain something there is difficulty - simply because we all have different experiences before we get to the point of reading it. The Bible has this fault too if that is any comfort to you. However in the case of science, if you follow every twist and turn of the discovery experiment or investigation OR Better still if you repeat the investigation without looking at its previous explanation you have a very good chance of completely understanding - it just takes more effort. Better still do your own original science (on the cheap obviously) and you get to know about the difficulties of explanation. I realise this last suggestion would be difficult for many to follow but they should start doing this in schools as part of science education from the age of 7-10yrs

@Mcflewster you are preaching to the choir

@MsKathleen I prefer to say "Talking to the reasonable" because there is not enough talk about the reason things really happen. Sorry I do go on about it but its a science thing.


they didn't learn that in Jr High or high school, what makes you think they'll learn it now?

glennlab Level 10 Aug 4, 2021


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