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I wish there were more businesses that would have that requirement

OldMetalHead 9 Aug 4
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Too bad she had to throw in "babe" ...arrogant and righteous attitude.

right, she didn't even think it through!'
What an idiot she is.
This isn't about pro vax or whatever else. Just simply pointing out that the person can still boycott by not making any online or store pickup orders. Convincing other people, holding signs and so on....

You know what, it's not even that she is an idiot, she holds a resemblance in what is wrong with many current people now. The lack of the use of thinking critically and the ability to contemplate at all. Just to much mindless reactions from about everyone, and them not even bothering to fix such is a real problem.

@Ello I concur; and I'm glad you went 180º on calling her "idiot"'s just an unfortunate, righteous attitude.

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