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The number of logical fallacies boggle the mind

OldMetalHead 9 Aug 18
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I can see the concern, here; but I have to respect folk who back their arguments up with a link instead of just saying "get a life" or "grow up".

I think "Doing one's own research" is evolving.

I have a lot more respect for someone who takes the time to counter my argument with a link...but then it's up to me to analyze the source.

I won't even answer to those who operate at the "name calling" or "ad hominen attacks" level.

Here's some useful tools to analyze those who are at least willing to post links to support their POV.

Robecology Level 9 Aug 18, 2021

@OldMetalHead Point taken....and some of my more educated colleagues have an arrogance that won't allow them to look at those who counter their POV with internet research or YouTube.....and what I'm saying is...

Be open-minded.

A true good scientist is totally willing to take ANY evidence. It might be trivial, it might be a video that proves to be of a dubious source....but be open to it. Don't let your PhD mean "piled High and deep" If you catch my drift.


Several of these fools on agnostic spreading bs


My 10 minute skim through the Internet makes me far more informed than your 10 years as a research scientist.

anglophone Level 9 Aug 18, 2021

and they grant themselves a personal PHD

Pretty Huge Dickhead for majority of .

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