You, American dudes, can probably clarify whether this is true or not.
Presuming that this isn't true, it's kinda annoying that this meme is still out there being circulated and idiots are likely to believe it. This meme so typically exhibits the downside of all memes; oversimplifying complicated matters.
This exhibits the classic fallacy of mistaking correlation for causation. I can equally say "Before Trump we had no Covid-19", but that doesn't mean he caused it. (He made it a lot worse than it had to be, but that's another story.)
If I were to say, "Before Trump there was no Muslim travel ban, no trade war with China, no war on NATO, the UN, and the W.H.O., and no white supremacist riots in Charleston," those would all be correlations that also show causation. Trump did or encouraged all those things. BUt people who distribute memes have little interest in actual history.
Before Lincoln, we had no ISIS
Before Lincoln, we had no BLM
Before Lincoln, we had no Antifa
Before Lincoln, we had no war on cops.
I can play that game too.
Before Obama we had no Tea Party. Before Obama insulted Trump at the correspondents dinner we had no MAGA. Obama’s election resulted in extremism. Yes. Because racists.
ISIS resulted somewhat from insurgents being imprisoned with former Baathists. Abu Ghraib didn’t help. Obama came along much later and called them a JV team. ISIS was so messed up in the head that al Qaeda called them out for their horrific atrocities.
Before Obama, Osama was still alive. Am I right? Dubya didn’t take him out. Not a priority. The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) wanted Husayn before 9-11. Obama ended Osama. Remember that?
Before Obama we had the malicious beating of Rodney King and the assassination of Fred Hampton and COINTELPRO.
Before Obama we had Public Enemy, NWA and Ice T. Remember when the whiny ass snowflake cops complained about the song “Cop Killer” and it got pulled long before Obama became POTUS?
Police brutality helped create BLM.
I have no time for the dangerous mental defectives that buy into this sort of nonsense.
The ones that buy into the nonsense are the ones injuring and killing innocent people because of such nonsense.
@Betty Exactly!
I'm a scientist....Demographer, Environmental scientist - educator- retired.
It's my opinion that there's folk who buy in to this hatred...but it's not directly their fault...
It's just the nature of population density.
The more crowded it gets...the crazier organisms get.
Proven over, and over again.
I read this in 1962.
I made a career out of studying it;
Population Density and Social Pathology;
"When a population of laboratory rats is allowed to increase In a confined space, the rats develop acutely abnormal patterns of behavior that can even lead to the extinction of the population..."
Well, fed, well cleaned, well hydrated animals...simply crowded together.
Maybe that's the root of this insanity?
What war on cops? You mean the cops that always close ranks after one of their buddies murders a unarmed Black? Would that be the cops that let Rittenhouse walk by them giving him a thumbs up after murdering two people? Would that be the cops that stage riots to allow their neo-Nazi buddies to burn down business so that BLM will be blamed? Or the cops that put 2 million Blacks in for-profit prisons with racist non-violent drug charges? Betcha this meme gets circulated on white supremacist web sites.
Actually there was no antifa before Trump.
There were anti-fascist but no one called them antifa until Trump attempted to make being anti-fascist a terror organization, because you know fascist fear anti-fascist.
BLM wasn't created by Obama, it was the public reaction to police abuse that has been around since the country was founded. So the Police created BLM by taking innocent black lives.
The only war on cops I know of was the insurrection on January 6th, although there was talk of funding more social workers with police funds to handle domestic situations where cops don't seem to know how to deescalate a situation without killing innocent people. The deallocation of funds was called "defunding the police" but the only people that intentionally misunderstood the point were Republicans that called it a war on cops.
ISIS is well ISIS and it's from the middle east and Obama did way more to eradicate it then Trump ever could have done. Leave it to MAGA to believe an Obama supporter = ISIS.
So like Sarah Silverman who was once asked about the holocaust deniers said... "Whatcha gona do?"
I see MAGA as a communicable mental illness, it is preventable with the limited logic skills and self awareness of a high school stoner, or greater.
NOTE: Yes the first reference to antifa according to a quick search was in 2007, in Portland Or. where the Neo-Nazis were so bad people were about to take the law in their own hands, but nationally no one really picked up on it until Trump started braying about antifa.
Very well put!
I agree with you completely. Nice statement.
Well stated.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.
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Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.