4 8

It was my favourite Christmas gift and give purpose and meaning to the rest of my life

Merry Christmas/Hanukka/Kwanza/Festivus/Tomorrow to everyone!!

(I just like the day)

bookofmorons 9 Dec 24
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Cool stuff. At first I thought it was a gingerbread house.

close enough


This is the perfect Xmas gift. I like to build something. It's a pity that my friends don't guess to give me puzzles. Although I'm not discouraged. I can buy it for myself. Lol. Btw, would you give this to an adult? I want to make fun of my relatives for Xmas , and give them something funny. But I understand that I don't want to see their displeased face. That's why I buy EZ Custom Gifts (cups or pillows with their favorite movie characters or shows). This is also a great gift for Christmas. Most likely, you would like it too. Take note 😀

roxsemary Level 4 Mar 6, 2023

There should be a few rusty pickup trucks parked outside.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Dec 26, 2022

You must have had the deluxe version


We (agnostics) skoff at the origins and meaning of "Christmas": yet we enjoy the weird gifts, and expressions of peace that come with the "season"...

Robecology Level 9 Dec 24, 2022
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Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.

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