6 15

That is one hell of a diet!

glennlab 10 Feb 14
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Untruth in advertising?!! Surely not.

johan17 Level 5 Mar 29, 2023

As a person who had tried countless diets with little success, weight loss surgery was a game-changer for me. The gastric bypass surgery allowed me to lose over 80 pounds in less than a year, providing the tool I needed to kick-start my weight loss journey. While diets had left me feeling frustrated and deprived, weight loss surgery gave me the power to control my appetite and make healthier choices. Of course, maintaining my weight loss required dedication and lifestyle changes, but the surgery gave me the confidence to make those changes and stick to them. Overall, weight loss surgery allowed me to break free from the cycle of yo-yo dieting and finally achieve the body I had always wanted. Check the reviews about Tonic Weight Loss Surgery

Hasbeck Level 4 Feb 21, 2023

As a person who had tried countless diets with little success, weight loss surgery was a game-changer for me. The gastric bypass surgery allowed me to lose over 80 pounds in less than a year, providing the tool I needed to kick-start my weight loss journey. While diets had left me feeling frustrated and deprived, weight loss surgery gave me the power to control my appetite and make healthier choices. Of course, maintaining my weight loss required dedication and lifestyle changes, but the surgery gave me the confidence to make those changes and stick to them. Overall, weight loss surgery allowed me to break free from the cycle of yo-yo dieting and finally achieve the body I had always wanted. Check the reviews about Tonic Weight Loss Surgery


Well ... the watch is on the other wrist, so maybe the second photo is reversed

Not unless she has her feet on backwards.


Umm ...what? A mirror image doesn't turn the feet backwards


Laser dieting can erase everything.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Feb 14, 2023

I'm guessing the pictures should be seen in reverse order

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