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DonThiebaut 7 June 6
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They eat ticks, so.. there's that.




Ya know Bills gonna post roadkill again, right??

Think I'll beat him to it this time ?

@Blindbird I don't know if this counts! Since it wasn't your original post I deem it does!


I'm not skittish of most animals but there's something about Possums that just freak me out down to the core of my DNA.

paul1967 Level 8 June 6, 2018

I think it's the tail.

@dkp93 Oh yeah it is that tail but it's those beady little eyes and those tiny sharp teeth scare me to death too. The hissing also does something to my nerves. I think it's the entire package.

@paul1967 for me it’s the entire package as well. Plus the possibility of rabies.

@Johnsalterego Marsupials are still mammals. It's true about the rabies - their body temperature is too low to be a good incubator for the virus

@Johnsalterego no. I’m sure they almost all have rabies. I’m not gonna let those pesky facts get in my way...

@Johnsalterego They call them marsupials, but in reality, they are just rodents with a fanny pack!

@Vickylyn I'm curious what good do they do? A question asked out of pure ignorance.

@paul1967 that wasn’t me that said they do good. I can’t think of anything. Maybe they eat bugs...
You’d have to check with @johnsalterego

@Johnsalterego yeah. You’re not going to convince me on the rabies thing, facts notwithstanding... ?

@Johnsalterego cool

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