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On a serious note

Captnron59 9 June 25
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Probably the same reason we subsidize big corporations, while veterans go homeless.

Galihad_Z Level 7 June 25, 2018

Helping one group does not immediately preclude the other group from being helped. It's not an either or situation. We are, for the time being, the richest and most powerful nation on earth. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that we can't help both. And if we truly are the great nation so many of us want to believe we are, we will.

@Captnron59 Could we stop deporting vets then?

@Captnron59 Even if that were true, why on earth would denying handouts to immigrants increase handouts for vets? It's not like immigrants are taking all the DVA's handouts before vets have a chance to get them. Really, you shouldn't be upset that immigrants are utilizing a system of aid that's working well. You should be mad the system for veterans isn't working at the same level.

@Captnron59 Immigrants contribute 11 billion to the us economy. Annually. That sounds like a decent societal contribution if you ask me.

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