3 10

Seriously, this you guys can find money for???

phxbillcee 10 July 9
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This is one thing that really pisses me off, and I am sounding like a broken record. Teachers are trained to teach, not for a hostile situation. Most don't know how to deal with it. I have gotten zero answers as to if they go through some sort of training, and the first I've heard of them given a firearm. My dad (served from 1965-1971) made a good point. Is the sidearm going to be with them at all times, or is it going to be in a draw where a student could get to it? Lots of homeless soldiers out there that need jobs, and already trained. Go through a mental, physical, and competency test. If you want firearms in schools, this is a simple solution to the problem. I could never run for any type of government office because I make too much sense!



Livinlife Level 9 July 9, 2018

It’s part of the “No Tide Pods” program where children are offered alternatives to eating the shiny bright colored not-confectionaries. Teacher are provided these resources like Glocks so children can eat those like “God intended” instead of Tide Pods.

Note: Yeah I know I just twisted the knife times 12 on the “Fucked Up O Meter”. What else would these gun-philes listen to?

Vipyr82 Level 7 July 9, 2018

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