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Rossy92 8 July 15
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Everyone has right to a opinion I don't understand why everyone can't agree its the womens choice no matter what the situation. its ok if don't agree with her , but don't hate her or spit on her, or the doctor and send hate mail and stalk them. make fake videos of baby parts on assembly lines. freedom means do as you wish not as I say.i know women that spend 200 dollars a month on birth control gimme a fucking break already, cmon man


How about rapes? Where does that fit in? To force the Mother to carry the child conceived in rape,to watch her belly swell and know she did not want this child at all?

Mike1947 Level 7 July 15, 2018

@MissKathleen It's subject no one want's to address,much like a miscarriage. On a website,I encountered a young Woman who had been raped and carried the child to term and kept it,but due to it's father, the child had sickle cell anemia and she was white,so it does happen more times than we think about it.

@MissKathleen Is it a breakdown of being taught right or wrong? Does it begin at home? With no father figure for guidance? Lack of self control?


Calling themselves "pro-life" is a lie.
They are "pro-birth" and nothing else.
They could give a shit about "life" once it's here.

KKGator Level 9 July 15, 2018

That is all too true! & what's really ridiculous is that they are usually even against free access to birth control to stop things before they get started!

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