5 10

Seriously, who does this?

mistymoon77 9 July 22
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Why did they start putting the plastic cap on in the first place? Just makes the carton more expensive - which they charge you for plus the markup.

Some people just don't know how to open up cartons I am guessing. Some of those are very poorly made and yes, it did up the market value besides use up more plastic. But this post is about not using the opening they did make and open it up and leave it open.

@mistymoon77 Oh, I didn't think about the 'leave it open' part.


What a rebel! Also, a quick side note; they could do away with the plastic cap and go back to the old way. Less plastic ending up in our oceans, etc.

Livinlife Level 9 July 22, 2018

That is a good point. Way too many unneeded caps in this world.


Someone old school who drank from the milk carton all the time and doesnt know there are pouring holes now.

Partyhawk Level 7 July 22, 2018

Someone with a death wish. That's who.

KKGator Level 9 July 22, 2018

Yes, and when they put the carton back in the frig, don't close it and leave about 2 in of whatever in the bottom. Omg. Had an old bf that did that.. think he did it just to drive me nuts.

@mistymoon77 Oh yeah. Definitely a surefire way to become deceased. Wouldn't just be an ex-bf, would be an ex-person.

@zephr Thanks. It's all I've got left. 😉


Perhaps,it's the way they were raised,ignoring the obvious; Trying to go in, the out door at a store,the World is full of people who make you go "Huh"?

Mike1947 Level 7 July 22, 2018
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