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Anyone else a single issue voter? #NotMyPresident

ClaytonE83 7 July 23
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Facts don't lie.
"They" have controlled our government for a very long time.


Birds of a feather....
Vote 3rd party.

In some ways but there are certainly some big differences (especially in the voter base and their ideals), not that both parties aren't corrupted. Sadly as far as the presidency goes we are locked in to the two party system pretty good; especially because of the electoral college, mainstream media guiding voters, and party loyalists... I was surprised to see such a small percentage of votes to third party candidates last election considering the two main candidates...


If you paid attention to the primary election "live vote count" noticed that EVERY time that Bernie Sanders count passed Hillary, the numbers would swap.

"They" decide who will win LONG before the "votes are counted".

@KevinAverett I'll watch the vid later when I'm more in the mood for polititcs and conspiracies. This last election was obviously not done fairly and I did notice some things were "off", but I didn't want to jump to conclusions.


Shrek for President!

Livinlife Level 9 July 23, 2018

because on more than one occasion he strongly resembles one of the main characters

lookinhard Level 7 July 23, 2018
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