4 12

Or a Russian, oh wait, he already is.

mistymoon77 9 July 24
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I don't support him.
I'd still take him over Hillary.


Funny, but sad!

Livinlife Level 9 July 24, 2018

Or a lizard person.

mek7730 Level 7 July 24, 2018

I thought that had already been proven. The orange spray makes the scales softer.

@LEPeff lol well he does get hissy fits... I just realized that if we tell the conservatives that the lizards made global warming, they'd be on it faster than dogs on fallen food in Thanksgiving under the table.


or says the wall is a bad idea , or they catch him wearing womens panties

They applaud him for all that. Give him a fucking medal if they could. Damn dumbasses

@mistymoon77 both my brothers and all my friends voted for him I abstained cause hate Clintons but that was bad decision now I can't really complain about the circus that is trump

If he says that, he didn't say it. If you prove he said it, he didn't mean it, If you can demonstrate that he said it and meant it, "But Hillary's emails."

I think they know he'll be wearing panties and a sexy negligee when Putin visits.

@metalhead222 I think a lot of voters are regretting what they did. They may not admit to it but there are some that won't back down because they still think he's doing "great things". Haven't seen anything great yet, still waiting.

@mistymoon77, how is this for great?

When Ronald Reagan became President the US was the greatest creditor nation on earth. It took less than eight years for him to turn us into the greatest debtor nation.

I never thought I would see anyone achieve more than that.

It has taken tRump less than two years to turn our country from the greatest power in the world to one that kisses up to two bit tin pot dictators.

I doubt that is what his supporters had in mind when they heard him talk about making America great again, but it is quite an accomplishment.

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