I know it well, unfortunately. Stretching it out is all that works. Magnesium and potassium is what helps prevent them. For example banana and water.
Actually..it's not quite that simple. I have severe iron deficiency. My hemoglobin falls into the single digits regularly. When your iron is real low, you also get really bad cramps
@Freespirit64 ugh, sorry to hear. I also found out that if you're not getting enough oxygen in your blood you'll get leg cramps
@Livinlife yes I've read that too
why is the first thing you try do is massage the cramped area it never works
The "jump-out-of-bed-scare-the-cat-walk-it-off" syndrome!
A magnesium supplement does the trick for me.
@Snickers77 mine to from a few surgeries though the toes getting cramps is more painful
We I tell them this I'm also told to drink more water
I always thought there was water in my beer.
@Snickers77 they happen only at night when I'm in bed sleeping. My toes get lock-jaw too and thats so painful.
@Snickers77 I still need surgery so I'm not sure what's up. It only happens in my bad leg.
Eat more bananas!
@Snickers77 I have never heard of potassium intolerance, does that mean it makes you ill when you consume it?
@Snickers77 thank you for answering!
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