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mcgeo52 8 July 27
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I don't think they actively give a damn about how Nixon looks. There is far too much plundering to do and far too many other GOP scandals to cover up. The public need not be reminded that GHWB and the watergate plumbers plus Nixon were all in Dallas during Kennedy's assassination. Nor do they need to be reminded of Iran Contra or the Reagan Bush call boy rings. They don't look any better. Neither does Nixon. It's all tripe.

Bakunin Level 7 July 29, 2018

Nixon was in Dallas that morning, but left before the assassination. He arrived in Mexico City just about the time JFK was killed.

@mcgeo52 ok. But be that as it may, he was still there. And his plumbers (later on-watergate) Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt were there for sure. I think G. Gordon Liddy too. Very odd, no? But of course the official story doesn't jive.

@Bakunin, yeah, I always kind of admired the way Tricky Dick established such an air tight alibi and left the others holding the bag. But, hey, they were bagmen.


Nixon looks like FDR compared what Trump has done so far in his administration.

Hell I think there are those who long for the days of William Henry Harrison for 12 years even though no one is alive today to remember it and he lasted only a month in office before dying.

Vipyr82 Level 7 July 27, 2018

I don't think any of them try to make anybody besides themselves look good.

I actually don't think they care about looking good at all, just lie and count the money, the republican way. could argue the capitalist way

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