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hey metallica F U

metalhead222 8 July 30
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I love seeing him live! When he plays his guitar! Love it!!! Great shows every time!

seen him one time opened for motley crue what a joke but y so glad I went

@metalhead222 I have seen him open for Judas Priest. Also with Testament and Slayer. Saw them at a metal fest too plus countless times!

@MichelleGar1 nice sounds like good one, color me jealous

@metalhead222 just seeing him play! WOW!!!! He's a Gawd!

I watched them headline in Tacoma on the "So Far So Good, So What" tour, Sanctuary was the opening act.

Later, I watched them open for Alice Cooper in Seattle - they got screwed, f*d up vocal sound, mic cutting out, etc., Megadeath didn't play their entire set, what a let down.

I have heard that Alice Cooper f's up the sound of any band they see as competition... F*RS!


Having lots of money does that to people.

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