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Slow mo shopping hours

zorialoki 8 Aug 26
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I have noticed that it’s not easy to choose a cream-cheese with dementia. I’m very patient but work at. I take my mom who I take care of shopping... nobody’s getting any cream cheese today!. ...But I do sometimes feel bad for the poor bastards that can’t get passed my Mother, she breaks up the flow. One must find the humor in all things🙂


I know the feeling

Rudy1962 Level 9 Aug 26, 2018

mine is the freeway

glennlab Level 10 Aug 26, 2018

I am currently driving my 74 VW Bug so I am sure I piss some people off there, but it gets me where I need to go so fuck em.

@zorialoki as long as your not in the left lane doing 20 mph below the speed limit, we're good.

@glennlab Nah, I am pretty good about that

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