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Tomfoolery33 9 Sep 1
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LMFAO! just about anything winblows or iThis sucks. I use GNU/Linux baby! Unfortunately Win 7 was the last decent OS they had. 8 and 8.1 was a disaster. So they went straight to windows 10! Here, let's give this computer a fast processor, lots of ram, and a fast, large capacity HD or SDD. Wait this might be too fast and stable. Let's lot the fuck out of it with crapware and bloatware!

My 5 year old computer with Mint 17 with a 1.6 dual core is FASTER than my moms new i7 with win 10! Has a very hard time HD videos tho (probably the GPU).

Anywho I bought a $3000 computer. Read the EULA. Put a different OS on it after the warranty ran out (would have voided the warranty). Got too much cat hair in there, and it overheated and shut down during an update. Winblows doesn't come with a recovery disk any more. I need windows on there for work. They said the microshit key was missing. WTF? It's located on the back!

XP was probably the best OS they ever had. They were supposed to support it 'till 2020. Haven't for years. Winblows has had the start button since win 3.1! Why did they change it with 8? They just want to sell you new shit. Same goes with crapple. They are notorious for having updates to make the iPhone slower. I have deleted iTunes from the first (and only) Apple product I will ever buy. When it want's to update, it's not a security update. They re-install that shit!



He should be yelling at him.. "Windows 10 suck ass.. get a real fucking computer!"


Uh, NO.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 1, 2018
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