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That's why they keep having them!

Boogey 8 Sep 13
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Would you let a baby starve?

MrLink Level 8 Sep 13, 2018

I had a nurse that at age of 36 gave birth to her 10th child . Not kidding . Husband is the father of 9 of these .. he hasn't worked a day in his life . She was religious , but when I asked her " y ?", she told me " I just love having them ".
They live w all type of assistance and the oldest ones barely finished high school .
To feed kids it's one thing . Anybody can feed a child . That doesn't make u a parent . But b4 u breed them , maybe u should consider " how u will educate " them . Schools cost money . Healthy kids w healthy teeth and healthy attitudes and hopefully w expanded horizons , cost money . And I think it's the parents resoonsibility to provide these kids w everything possible in order to set the basis for learning , safety , peace , health .
Then again , if all u planning to do w your kids is a ball and a doll , a plate of food , tv and sleep , yeah, pls produce 10 or whatever u want . 10 more bricks on the wall ?

Pralina1 Level 9 Sep 13, 2018

I do understand that some people do need assistance. I have a friend that has 6 kids. I believe they are all from different dads. Ironically, most of the welfare recipients are single white mothers. That's been a fact for a long time. There are a lot of people that are out there just to fuck the system.


You know you could pay folk to get an education, provide some decent opportunities, andeven becompassinate toward the poor if we were not so willing to subsidize the rich. We treat corporations better than peopleansbail out people like trump.

What happy says.....If you are kicking down you are kicking the wrong direction


Every situation is different, could be medical, could be a death, could be lost a job... As for people that really believe a saying like that I happenen to know that when the shoe was on the other foot you’ll change your story. The America I’m interested in working toward treats people with kindness and offers assistance for people to get back on thier feet and if they can’t then we take care of them.

@Boogey i’ll risk helping a few that don’t deserve it to make sure that everyone that does gets the help they need.

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