5 11

gag... gag... gag

Boogey 8 Oct 28
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Good one


Meh they're good for you now. Apparently


Umbral Level 8 Oct 28, 2018

I loved this movie when I was a kid.

DoDapper Level 8 Oct 28, 2018

@Boogey - I have not.

@coralisthree - Do you have thoughts on the two?

@DoDapper the remake is very good

@coralisthree the remake is good but I still like the original with Tim Currie...but that's just me.


it's interesting that you, with a screen name @Boogey, would be the one to post this! lol


It takes a lot to love children, too much for me

Same here. No I don't want to see a picture of you kid in your wallett. The worst are disobedient ones. A friends 6-year-old is the biggest brat on the planet! Lies all the time. One time intentionally pissed on my leg because I didn't want to play any more video games. I was babysitting him, and I told him to knock it off. He said he would tell his mom I hit him. Funny, I was on the phone with his mom at the time. Didn't believe me, and gave him the phone. She was on the phone the entire time. When she got back she never yelled at him. Instead gave him candy. I'd sometimes have to pick him up from school. I once asked how did you day go. His reply was "I didn't get my name written on the board today". Wow, that's good news? One time I was with the mom him, and herboyfriend. I had to sit in the back with him. He literally was screaming in my ear all day! I got so annoyed that when we got back I couldn't take it. I went outside to have a smoke. Started yelling in my ear. My anxiety rose so high that I litelerally passed out. Next thing I knew was emt's were there. When I was on the ground others said they thought I had a seizure. This littel fucker came up and started kicking me in the head! If MY kid pulled any of that shit, he/she'd get a smack in the face! This kid is so fucked up that he'll probably end up being a serial killer.

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