7 15

I'm not a morning person, I just suck at sleeping in and wake up tired sometimes.

ClaytonE83 7 Nov 6
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ok then.. that explains it.


Try some Melatonin tablets, 10mg before bed should let you sleep many hours,they are over the counter,no prescription needed.

Mike1947 Level 7 Nov 6, 2018

Hmmmmm I'll look into it, thanks


I love mornings! Always have...

Eewwww, you seem awful

@ClaytonE83 lol try it...


I became very good at pretending to be a morning person after the first time I massacred a group of friends. It's okay, they were only humans.

DoDapper Level 8 Nov 6, 2018

I'm night shift and awake way too early. Got to get tired...

Umbral Level 8 Nov 6, 2018

I would have liked to have been able to sleep a little later, but the dog had other ideas.

KKGator Level 9 Nov 6, 2018

Pupper keeps the yapper shut, or else it gets the hose again.

@ClaytonE83 Mine's always been extremely patient, but she's an older girl now. So, when she starts whining, I know if I don't get her outside, whatever happens is my own fault.

@KKGator Growing older is a bitch, isn't it???

@phxbillcee It ain't for pussies, that's for fucking sure.

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