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If you raked around the trees...

Not gonna lie. Made me laugh out loud.


TheGreatShadow 9 Nov 17
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He's an imbecile and an embarrassment

Livinlife Level 9 Nov 17, 2018

When I heard that, I rolled my eyes so hard, I triggered a migraine.

Never in my life, have I ever seen anyone (in any kind of position of power) who was just so utterly clueless about how the real world works. Like even the most basic things, he just doesn't grasp. Stupid fucker doesn't even understand how grocery shopping works.

KKGator Level 9 Nov 17, 2018

He doesn't know anything about grocery shopping because he probably never had to do it.

My old room mate's girlfriend supposedly came from money. One day he asked her to make a frozen pizza. She said she didn't know how. He said to read the back of the box. Minutes later the pizza was burning. He was bitching at her about not checking the pie. She said "you need to check it?". She also didn't know her actual age. She turned 21 and so she got some alcohol. Luckily I didn't buy. It was her 20th birthday.

Him. He's another winner. He literally doesn't know where in the fuck he was born! Not joking. When he goes into things like job interviews, he addresses himself as Anthony. He real name is Derek. I thought that was his name for a long time!

With people that clueless, I blame their parents for not raising them better.

@KKGator With Charity, I blame the parents. It's not like she didn't have the ability to learn, she was just never taught how to do certain things.

Derek is another story. One time we were on our way back to my house, and I had problems with the pickup. His mom and step dad came to tow us. My dad's place was only a mile or two from where we were broke down from. Plus I have my shop there, and I wouldn't have to tow it 10+ miles farther. I was gonna take the pilot car to show them where to turn (they didn't know where my dad lives). Last second he wanted me to steer the towed pickup. He knows where my dad lives. He kept on going after the turn and I had to lay on the horn and point to his step-dad where to turn. We got back to my place and not even 30 seconds after we got in the house, he got a call. I could hear a lady yelling "you stupid goddamn motherfucker...". Minutes later he said "that was my mom". lol

The guy actually gets a disability check for being stupid. However when he lived with me he made $15.50/hr X40+ hr/week + $300/mo disability. I was building fire trucks working 50 hours/wk and with his disability, he was probably making more than me overall. I've had 3 back procedures. Denied disability twice.

@TheGreatShadow I can't even begin to understand how that "works". I'm "lucky" I'm visually disabled. They can actually measure that. I didn't have to fight for my disability benefits. I can't imagine having to fight for help. Especially from a system you've contributed to your entire working life. I am so damned sorry. That well and truly sucks.

@KKGator Yeah the system sucks. I know 6 people on disability. Only two should actually be on it. One gal gets it because she sprained her wrist. Not joking. She just doesn't want to work.

Worst part? A Marine buddy of mine was denied twice. He was wounded 3 times in Iraq and Afghanistan. Last time an IED went off and it wounded/killed 200 US Soldiers. He has shrapnel in his skull. He was denied twice. Finally got it after taking it to court. That's fucking bullshit.

@KKGator @TheGreatShadow maybe we need a group for disabled folks? There are a ton of us. Anyone game?

@RavenCT Yes. I just don't want it to be a "woe is me" group. Otherwise, I'm down.

@TheGreatShadow I agree we could do this!

@TheGreatShadow Fucked up, for sure. I definitely have concerns about losing mine on the whims of 45 and the republicans. Now that Kemp has been declared governor, I expect Medicaid coverage to diminish considerably. My disability doesn't cover much. Definitely doesn't cover any medical, that's for sure.

@RavenCT You lead, I'll follow. If you start it, you'll probably get a lot more members a lot faster. My guitar group finally hit over 50 the other day. Not a hell of a lot of traffic.

@RavenCT I thought there already was one, I was a member.

@KKGator oh I have to look now? Oops!

@KKGator Medicare/Medicade, and social security/disability will all take hits. Hate to say it.

@KKGator [] I joined! Yay.

@TheGreatShadow I have to stop. I get too worked up about this stuff. I physically can't handle it anymore.

@RavenCT sure.


Senility, Low IQ or Dementia?

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 17, 2018

Even if it's only one, it's bad enough...

All of the above. I'm fairly certain his brain is eaten up with syphilis.
If avoiding venereal diseases was his "Vietnam", he lost as badly as he possibly could have.

@KKGator Fuck him. It takes a long time to be in a circle of trust with military. Unless if you were there. I'm a a circle with a few. Every once in a while they will talk about Vietnam. That shit is beyond belief. Fuck him.

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