4 14

And don't u dare judge her , u ll be next on the stretcher . True story .

Pralina1 9 Nov 20
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They are hot blooded!

SukiSue Level 8 Nov 20, 2018

Latinas are hot blooded

Zoohome Level 8 Nov 20, 2018

How very sad,no instantaneous response,put him at deaths door.....

Mike1947 Level 7 Nov 20, 2018

Lol that's true sometimes

I guess we're hot blooded! Lol

@MichelleGar1 yup but they love it ??

@Cutiebeauty yes they do! Lol

@MichelleGar1 What come to mind is "Spirited",exciting,and "You'd better be faithful to this one or loose your equipment"?

@Mike1947 pretty much summed it up! Lol

@MichelleGar1 About 1970(I know,ancient times),I was in the Air Force,based at Howard Air Force Base in the Panama canal Zone,a single Ssgt,had met a nice young Woman at one of the on base dances,we were intimate after a while,her Aunt grilled me on all kinds of questions,I must have passed,as we dated almost every night afterwards,I would have married her,but as how things worked out for me,I got orders,to go back to the war in Southeast Asia,before we got to the point of a proposal of marriage and all the paperwork,I wonder some nights,how it might have been.....

@Mike1947 WOW! Sorry to hear that you lost contact with her! Hopefully she has a good life! Now with social media you should try to find her, you never know! You might be able to pick up where you both left off!

@Mike1947 by the way, very nice story of lost love! Try finding her!

@MichelleGar1 I dunno if Panama has much of a internet presence. I've had some attempts but nothing so far,yes it's one of those "if only times"......

@MichelleGar1 My room mate at Howard Air Force base did just that,made friends with the local butcher who had a knockout Daughter,her Grandfather,or great Grandfather worked on the Panama Canal, he was Chinese her name was Nevia Del Carmen Chong,we called her "Chi chi", exotic,cute but I've never seen blue eyes in a face with Chinese features before. Mel,(my room mate) married her and brought her back to the US,but it seems she pined for the heat and humidity of Panama,and the marriage came apart,they have two Sons though,both smart,I stay in touch with Mel now and then.....

@Mike1947 WOW! Another story! Sorry for your friend about his marriage! Sorry about your efforts, I guess that you will always have the memories!

@MichelleGar1 holy monkey balls! All this from my one reply?! Lmao

@Cutiebeauty I write from memory,places I've been fortunate to be based at during my 8 years in the Air Force,around the World a few times,never been in combat,although one base came under attack about 1972,making for "Exciting Times". Helicopter gunships and AC-130's circling around,firing at sappers who infiltrated the base.

@Cutiebeauty You got the memory juices flowing

@Cutiebeauty you said it! They really like our hot blood! Lol

@Cutiebeauty, @Mike1947 great stories! Thanks for sharing! Us Latinas can be unforgettable!

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