8 15

The struggle is so real. So, so real.

EricTrommater 9 Feb 10
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Lol. Sometimes

Livinlife Level 9 Feb 10, 2018

A truth.

I'll admit , I actually overcame those two recently. I got dressed, left the house, and went to my destination (not too far from home). I parked the car, sat and watched people for a bit, saw some I knew and liked even, that would have been glad to see me ...

While I sat there , this gradual feeling came over me of not wanting to be there. No one I knew had seen me. I turned the car on, and drove back home. In a few minutes it was like it never happened.
Recluse won that round !

evergreen Level 8 Feb 10, 2018

At this point in time... That sums up my life. Hahaha

NeoXerops Level 6 Feb 10, 2018

Usually, after I accept an invitation to meet people to do something, I spend the rest of the time trying to think of an excuse to get out of it, or hoping they cancel.

Unless they're my peeps!
Or they invited me to see a rare bird

That reminds me..I routinely, almost reflexively, find excuses to turn down dates and discourage suitors, but in Thailand, where many/most Thai are bi, some people have me figured out.

My young, beautiful (married, with teen kids-Thai don't show their ALL) boss/owner of a Thai ESL franchise when I lived in Nakhon, Thailand, kept beaming at me, running into doorways when I walked by, suggesting we get together for coffee to "discuss work," but I'd just say I don't drink coffee.

But she was much better at courting than any man..she simply started telling me that she knew where certain rare Hornbills were nesting, on the far side of the Thai isthmus, near Krabi, and mentioned that she was free that Monday since the school would be closed for a holiday, so would I like to go?

WOULD I??!! She had me at "nesting hornbills."

We spent a day hiking a beautiful nature reserve, seeing rare blue pools deep in the jungle, etc, walking for hours, laughing and talking, and she bought me lunch, and fresh Thai fruit along the way, from local vendors.

She never made a "move" on me, though..I can be a bit intimidating, so maybe that's why.
I noticed that when she ordered lunch for us when we were at the edge of the park, although still in the jungle, she used the male pronoun, "kop" for her reflexive pronoun, although she usually used "kah," the female pronoun.

If you are hetero male or female bi, you can go ahead and be jealous-she was beautiful, slim, had a doctorate, etc. I'd learned the hard way to stay carefully neutral in Thailand to avoid women getting crushes on me, then taking revenge on me when I don't properly reciprocate. That happened several times in a row, until I was afraid to talk to people.

birdingnut Level 8 Feb 10, 2018

Whaddya mean I have to put on a bra, and pants? And shoes, too?

KKGator Level 9 Feb 10, 2018

Shoes are the biggest deal for me. Once those puppies come off after work it'd better be a good reason for me to squeeze my feet back in them. If it can be done in flip flops I don't mind
. . as much.

@EricTrommater Sheraling driving shoes - I kid you not....


OMG!! Have you been spying on me?

No! BTW you're out of milk.

@erictrommater hahahahahahahaha!!

You really need to clean up your living room.....

@slayer1am OMG, you post that just after I hear a crash from the living room. I have two cats, both pretty young. I'm not sure I want to go check it out.


So so true🙂

Leutrelle Level 7 Feb 10, 2018
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